Saturday, December 12, 2009

Thursday and Friday we switched from sponges to brushes to apply paint. Our principal even had a good suggestion for the mural!
The big forms were finished; this week we added details and landscaping to the Monster Park.

Wow! It's really obvious how quickly the students at Desert Oasis can paint a great Monster Park! The night sky is really looking good!
There's just one thing left for our monster park............THE MONSTERS!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Jill and Patrick have been working with the students of Desert Oasis to create a mural of a Monster Town. We've masked the space with tape, leaving space for a video of the mural's creation in the middle. The mural has grown in the last couple weeks very quickly. Almost all of the painting has been done with sponges and stencils.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday we began painting the background for our mural. There was a student-photographer documenting the progress. It went rather quickly! The rectangle in the center is remaining blank so we can add the video during the exhibition.

Thursday we mapped out the mural dimensions on the wall in the hallway.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Sketches, Stencils, & Stamps

This week we worked on our large sketch for the mural a little more— some editing and LOTS of drawing.
We also made some stamps out of sponges, and cut stencils out of plastic sheeting (acetate). Now, after working with paint and shapes, we are closer to painting our mural on the wall.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

This week Jill Thomas, a painting graduate student at Arizona State University, and Patrick Vincent, a printmaking graduate student, have begun working with Ms. Vignoli's students at Desert Oasis Elementary. So far, we've been getting to know each other. On Thursday we designed and shared name cards, as well as created a "Creative Contract"— a student-generated set of rules which the students signed and thereby agreed to follow.
On Friday we completed a group drawing in the spirit of Halloween. Each student took turns adding their spooky drawings. Each student then took a picture of the drawing as it grew, so when the photos are all pieced together they created an animated video. This drawing was a warm up to the larger drawing/mural that will be our focus for the next six weeks. Every one seems excited to create and have fun!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Today was our last day and Becky and I want to Thank-you SO much for all of your hard work and participation throughout artSpace. We learned a lot from you all and hope that you continue to have an interest in the Arts- Be nice to Ms. V. and take care of the art room. We'll Miss You!


Becky and Ellie

One picture has smiles and the other has ????

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Save Charlie!

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Saturday, May 2, 2009

ArtSpace ArtShow

Who:  ArtSpace

What: ArtShow

Where: Desert Oasis Cafeteria

When: May 15th at 4pm

Why: A Grand Finale!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009





* work on scripts
* make costumes/props
* send invitations
* finish signage for artspace artshow
* get really good at Grand Finale performance!!!!!

< Smile >

A Salute to Becky!

Here we are playing our game of choice - Ships and Sailor's

Friday, April 17, 2009

ArtSpace ArtShow

Who:  ArtSpace
What: ArtShow
Where: Desert Oasis Cafeteria
When: May 15th at 4pm
Why: A Grand Finale!

Getting Ready for the ArtSpace ArtShow!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

We Miss You!!

Becky and I will not be coming in this week.... :(

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Say Hi to Becky!

Posing for a Pic!

What fun bunch-  Our group has an amazing sense of humor -- Becky and I our so thankful for a group filled with so much personality...

Name Poems, Mosaics, and Hand Masks ..o my...

Renee and Clayton Hard at Work!


Today was a day we decided to get all of our projects we have started so far and finish them up!  We have to start getting ready for the ArtSpace ArtShow!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Tomorrow we are going to refine our scripts and continue with character development...Also - be ready to work in your groups and come up with ideas for props and set design!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

We've Been Busy

The class has been busy at work writing and illustrating stories and translating new ideas into plays.  We have been working with the group on expressing emotions and using body movement as a way to act out scenes.  This past week the class split up into four groups and came up with different proposals for plays.  So far we have the following working titles: Rock it Up!, Party Animals!, Aliens visit Town, and a Friday Night.

Come back soon for more posts and some pics!