Friday, April 30, 2010

Graphic Composers

We started to explore and compose music today. Not all of us know how to read or write music so we used a different form of musical score to express our ideas. It is called graphic notation. Composers in the early 20th Century started to use this as a way to free themselves from the constraints of regular printed music. Here is an example from that time period:

Students can decide how much freedom they would like in their music, how much freedom to give the performer, what instruments to use, etc. Yesterday was their first attempt so I am excited to see what comes out today after having some experience under their belt. We are video taping the performances and we can't wait to share them with the community next Friday. We hope you can join us!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

We are finishing up with the models! They look of all the finished models are going to be photographed and posted in two weeks. The students did so well being creative and exploring materiality in making their models represent their intentions. As soon as I get the camera to work I will post all the pictures. Good luck with your tests!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Friday Models and Birthday Crowns!

Friday was another great day of working on models. We're all having fun building these models! And we celebrated a birthday! As soon as the models are done we're going to take some pictures outside to look at shadows and day lighting. The students are all drawing floor plans so well. And using creative tools like the projector to draw more accurately. Check out the pictures...

Friday, April 9, 2010


Today we continued our building project. We took the drawings of buildings that look like the things that are sold in the store and started to build models. Drawings of candy basket candy stores, Aztec Temple gift shops, and Gameboy shaped video game stores are starting to come to life in 3-D. We also want to welcome some new students to artSpace that have made a great addition to the class.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We lost a lot of artSpace members to softball and baseball, but we are so happy to still have a small group of loyal artSpace artists. On Thursday, we started a small project where students made floor plans of the buildings that they had already drawn before. Pooneh taught them how to draw doors and windows and all of the students had to think hard about drawing a room or a building from a bird's eye view. At first the students struggled, but were soon able to imagine flying over the top of the buildings with "Super Man-like" X-Ray vision. Here is a look at some of their work: