Friday, January 29, 2010

Launching the project!

Another day of model building! Matt showed a great video of a group making music with found objects which launched our big project. We are bringing music and architecture together to make a musical structure.....a structure that you can play. The models are almost done, which will lead us into making our own personalized percussion instruments. All the instruments will be made from things you can find just about anywhere. Stay tuned to see what happens!

Pimp my House!

Today Pooneh showed everyone some examples of abstract art and showed a great video about architectural process. The students were instructed to draw a house and then to design a 3-D version with various materials in the room. The students had to use a wire and the rest was up to them. They got a good start, but we will see what amazing designs they come up with next time.

Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Friday!

Today we had an art medley! Matt and I almost have every one's names down, and we know the students' likes and dislikes...always a good thing. Our circle of story telling was a success! Someone started the story, then passed the ball to the next who took it off from where the other person left it. By the end we had a very creative story: it started out as a dream, then there was a crocodile that turned out to be an alligator, and by the end they were no longer involved in the story! Architecture pictionary was also great! It was a good preface to the BIG project which will be coming shortly. Matt led everyone in a Simon Says drum rhythm. Too fun!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Getting to know you

Pooneh and I are just getting started at Desert Oasis, but we are very excited to work with all of the students. We spent the day getting to know the students and learn a little bit about their interests. We started making name tags that tell us a little about them. The students also learned the basics of percussion. Pooneh is an architect and I am a percussionist. We can't wait to see what the students create in music and structure. No pictures for today as we get settled with new batteries and cameras, but next time we will have lots to show you!